How to Uncurl Dog-Ears

Whether you’re for or against dog-earing your books to mark a spot, you probably don’t intentionally dog-ear pages in your Bible—that’s what ribbon markers are for. But even if you never purposefully press the corner of your pages to mark your spot, use your Bible long enough and you’ll likely find dog-ears forming throughout. A combination of frequent use and moisture, both from your hands and the air, forms these undesirable curls on the pages of your Bible. As dog-ears accumulate, the fore-edge of the Bible will continue to expand, creating a visually unappealing and more difficult to use book.

The Remedy:

All can be fixed with a simple remedy—regularly uncurling any dog-ears that have formed. The next time you have your iron out, bring over your Bible and some parchment paper. Open the Bible to the page with an unwanted dog ear, flatten out the dog ear, and lay the parchment paper on top. Gently go over the page with your iron on medium heat, focusing on the dog-eared area. Remove the parchment paper and check the page. If the dog ear persists, repeat the process; remove any additional dog-ears while the iron’s still hot. Regularly removing dog-ears only takes a few minutes, and it will keep the fore-edge of your Bible looking good as new.

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